Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Rudraksha beads, the holy beads are scientifically called as Elaeocarpus Ganitrus. Rudraksha comes from Sanskrit word and literally stands for the "eyes of Lord Shiva"( means rudra=shiva, aksham=tear of an eye) .

Lord Shiva is an important deity of the vedic age (125000yrs B.P.) and is depicted wearing a rosary of Rudraksha beads in the icon of different historical era. So it reveals that the merit of Rudraksha are first realized by Shiva himself and handed over to benefit of later generation. This holy Rudraksha beads have been worn by the people of Nepal and India for thousand of years to maintain physical and mental health and to gain fearless life on their spiritual path to enlighten and liberate.
Rudraksha is the most powerful and awesome bead ever. This bead can help you achieve all you want – a healthy mind, body and soul, a wealthy life that many dream of and only some achieve, and a happy you making you the target of many envious eyes. Words in the dictionary fall short of describing the immense powers of the Rudrakshas. For thousands of years mankind has benefited immensely from them. But how can today’s technology wizard use them to his advantage? What would you get from it?…. Well let’s find out.
It bestows happiness and revival from the miseries arising from loss of wealth. Prosperity or richness, luck, fortunes grow wherever it is venerated in House or put on in the body in the form of necklace. All forms of ill-effects related to wealth are dispelled. It boosts the concentration and will power of the wearer. According to Vedas it prevents diseases of head such as stroke, paralysis, etc.
Birth Nakshatra
Ruling Planets
Ashvini Ketu Nine mukhi
Krittika Sun One, Twelve or Eleven Mukhi
Rohini Moon Two Mukhi
Mrigashira Mars Three Mukhi
Ardra Rahu Eight Mukhi
Punarvasu Jupiter Five Mukhi
Pushya Saturn Seven Mukhi
Ashlesha Mercury Four Mukhi
Magha Ketu Nine Mukhi
Purvaphalguni Venus Six Mukhi
Uttaraphalguni Sun One, Twelve or Eleven Mukhi
Hasta Moon Two Mukhi
Chitra Mars Three Mukhi
Swati Rahu Eight Mukhi
Vishakha Jupiter Five Mukhi
Anuradha Saturn Seven Mukhi
Jyestha Mercury Four Mukhi
Mula Ketu Nine Mukhi
Purvashadha Venus Six Mukhi
Uttarashadha Sun One, Twelve or Eleven Mukhi
Shravana Moon Two Mukhi
Dhanishtha Mars Three Mukhi
Shatabhisha Rahu Eight Mukhi
Purvabhadrapada Jupiter Five Mukhi
Uttarabhadrapada Saturn Seven Mukhi
Revati Mercury Four Mukhi
This precious stone, having inherent divine power, is a natural six flat faced long stick like glassy growth, varying from 1 inch to 10 feet height. These are stony growths inside the earth in Himalaya mountains, Vindhya mountains and Sangagiri.
The vibration of Spadigam is more than that 32768 times per second. These vibrations are useful to ward off the ill effects of navagrahas and they do good to the wearer.
Puranas describe the Spadigam being a divine stone represent the three forms of goddess sakthi, Lord siva, Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma.
In yajur vedha ‘Rudram’ Lord siva is described as ‘Jyothir Spadigamani Linga’. That is Lord Siva manisfests in Jyothi form, Linga form and Spadiga form.
Lord Siva’s divinity is pervading in every atom, neutron and electron of this spadigam. It is good to wear this spadigam beads round the neck for self purification of the soul, the mind and the body.

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